Looking for investment for your startup?

Local meetup SplitBiz welcome two guest speakers as they diversified their meetup, moving into the world of business angels in partnership with CEDRA Split’s Project AYEN.

Vanja Perić and Steve Balaban from Wealth Management Canada led the proceedings at Black Dog Bar. Vanja started by introducing their company, which aims to connect individuals and families looking to invest with the right wealth manager.

Steve then followed up with an introduction about what angel investors are, his experience with them across the globe, before opening the room to questions. A discussion followed about what was needed in Split and Croatia, as well as the strengths and weaknesses locally.

The majority of guests were investors, however, a number of entrepreneurs also came so they split into two tables to share their own experiences and ideas. The investors had a wealth of experience in IT and sport, whilst the entrepreneurs were just starting on their adventure.

After a lengthy discussion, both parties mingled with each other, sharing, networking and discussing ways forward to work together.

All the angels were particularly keen on finding some new investments and working with the best entrepreneurial brains in Split, and therefore next SplitBizAngels will enable two startups to pitch to them. If you’re a potential angel investor or a startup looking for an angel and would like to know more and get involved, get in touch at michael@ensoco.co.uk.


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