Directing the young low-skilled unemployed to farming is one of the main aims of our project. The Great Hungarian Plain is traditionally the heart of agriculture. A farm from the Great Hungarian Plain (Morahalom) was visited by Fruto to draw the details of their involvement in hosting and mentoring of #NEETs with agro interest.
Development of management information systems and investigation of IT systems of agricultural enterprises is part of the training courses of @nyiregyhaziegyetem. Fruto discussed with its lecturers their opinion on the #agro-training courses of #eNEET_Rural and the opportunities of collaboration.
The representatives of PRIMOM Foundation for Promoting Enterprises and Fruto met to establish the collaboration on agro #enterpreneurship development related actions of #eNEET_Rural. @primom.alapitvany is active partner of Enterprise Europe Network and handles micro credit and micro financing for SMEs.
Thee Entrepreneur Center of Baranya County @BaranyaMegyeiVallalkozoiKozpont invited Fruto to get to know each others’ activity in the stimulation of SMEs and the facilitation of the agricultural entrepreneurship in the County. Both parties see the synergetic points of the core activities of @BaranyaMegyeiVallalkozoiKozpont and #eNEET_Rural project and open for closer collaboration.
According to the latest European Commission education report, 84 percent of Hungarian youth are employed. One reason for this unemployment rate could be the Youth Guarantee Program that has already helped 100,000 young people find work in Hungary. The Youth Guarantee Program provides assistance to young people under the age of 25 who do not work and do not attend any education or training.