Non-Governmental Organisations as soft skill accelerators

Youth Initiative for Human Rights alongside Association for Culture and Education PiNA and Norwegian Embassy in Croatia launched the project ‘Social Innovators’ which establishes NGO’s as successful human resource accelerators and develops innovative approaches which can lower youth unemployment.

Project coordinators from Croatia and Slovenia, in the scope of LEAP Summit in Zagreb, presented an innovative model of simultaneously addressing the challenges of high rates of youth unemployment and low employment rate in NGO sector, which all present a tremendous waste of human potential and missed opportunities for greater contribution to the social transformation not only in Croatia but in EU in general. Through this project, NGOs can offer young people work experience and opportunity to become involved in some of the most relevant initiatives and programmes, dealing with social challenges in Europe today. As a result, the participants will be supported to create their own jobs within the social sector, where their educational background is essential for further development.

Presenters announced the opening of IDEAhubs, open spaces in Croatia, Bulgaria and Slovenia in 2019, where social innovation, skills and employment opportunities will be generated for young people.

As part of the presentation, a panel ‘Accelerators of youth social innovations’ was organized in which successful examples of social innovations in the non-profit sector were presented, as well as the challenges and opportunities that non-governmental organizations can provide to young people in the form of employment and skills development.

The project is supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants, which are continuously supporting cooperation of different stakeholders to work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

The four-year project is developed in cooperation of PiNA, YIHR Croatia, National Management School from Bulgaria and Ostfold University College from Norway.



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