What is the profile of unemployed youth?
I would identify them by a series of characteristics: age is always a factor. They are always under 30 and have a lack of professional training or with both completed or uncompleated basic education or generalist middle and upper grade training. They do not have professional experience and they are looking for their first job. Moreover they bring difficulties in the development of some employment skills such as responsibility, lack of communication, autonomy …
What are the main barriers for young people to get a job?
They could be defined in the first place due to the lack of technical knowledge, the lack of professional experience, the lack of employment opportunities by companies, the lack of recruitment of young profiles and the lack of development of cross-cutting skills that young people have when serching actively for a job.
How can young people get access to a job?
First the whole network of contacts created by the “word of mouth” ie family, contacts they already have… Another important factor would be the non-work practices, all those young people who have studied have done a professional training and through their internships either from the university or school … this Will help them get their first job. On the other hand, the job vacancies that are accessible once you finish your training and specific jobs are created for this type of group. And finally I would highlight the internet because in some ways it is the most used channel although it is not known if it is the most effective for this type of group right now.
How can the different actors cooperate to make it possible?
This is a social commitment in which, in order to work for youth unemployment, there are many pieces of the whole cake that must be committed to advancing and improving the conditions that exist right now. I think in some ways there must be a real pact between companies and institutions. That is to say, regulated training must respond to the training or the real needs of companies, this is a very important issue. We must raise awareness, disseminate, in some way promote the recruitment of these people and many times what I think is that there is a lack of knowledge on the part of companies from subsidies, possibilities… there is no way to try to cooperate all together so that young people can make it easier for them. I think it is about social agents that we need to use the maximum communication resources because to improve the system a bit and to continue advancing and continue to subsidize or continue to help there are specific programs for the recruitment of young people, so that companies know exactly how to help. This subsidies that can be used to make this first opportunity for the young person simpler.