Over the last six months, Health Action Overseas (HAO) has continued the series of exchange meetings between young adults with disabilities looking for a job and potential employers.
Thus, in the beginning of December 2019 and at the end of February 2020, the team of Constanta Supported Employment Centre have organised two such meetings at the headquarters of Pro Salamander SRL (PVC windows and doors manufacturer) and Logi Bic – Fabrikart (furniture manufacturer).
Nine young adults with disabilities participated at these events; they are enrolled in the program developed within LEAD project. During these sessions, they had the opportunity to discuss with the representatives of the afore mentioned companies, to visit the two production units and to see if they would like to work in these sectors.
On these occasions, the representatives of the companies have presented to the young adults the production spaces and offered them helpful information about the manufacturing process, the technological workflow, the tasks which the employees have at different workplaces and the existing opportunities for employment within their companies.
The visits were an excellent opportunity for these young adults to understand the complexity of the activities within the production units, and for the HAO specialists to observe their interest and desire to get involved in these specific lines of work. Following the two experience exchange meetings interest was shown by some of the young adults with disabilities to start working in these production units.
It is also worth mentioning, that the initiative for the Pro Salamander visit came from the employer, who requested from HAO Romania 2-3 candidates with whom it was possible to carry out an apprenticeship activity.
While LEAD project is carried out, 27 such experience exchanges will take place, 12 of them coordinated by HAO (Romania), 9 by Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center (Lithuania) and 6 by Consultis – Consultoria Empresarial, Unipessoal Lda. (Portugalia). LEAD project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.