SEPAL  is our opportunity!

Credits: SEPAL

Proudly, we communicate that more than 60 young Roma are beneficiaries of the learning programs and training for the improvement of occupancy, implemented by the Pere Closa Private Foundation, within the framework of the European project SEPAL.

Different training courses are being carried out in different areas such as esthetics and beauty, sustainability and gardening, new computer technologies, music, horticulture, digital skills, free time monitor, etc.

These trainings help them gain experience in the different fields mentioned above, so that insertion into the labor market is easier. It should be noted that most of the young people who participate in these trainings and apprenticeship programs are women. During the month of February, the esthetics and makeup courses have been completed and, at the beginning of March, a course on gardening and free time monitor begins.

Regarding the SEPAL Project, it also tries to bring Roma and non-Roma people closer to a new market system, where the person is prioritized in the worker-company relationship and where the distribution of bars has a great social implication. Likewise, the proximity with the client is much more direct. Finally, these projects want to integrate Roma youth into the social and solidarity community in order to learn about other economic models.


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