Social Neet project

Social Neet project is continuously reaching significant number of young people in need of education, training and jobs, aiming to motivate them to participate again in society in a more meaningful way.

Partners of the project actively organize seminars and capacity building workshops, find CSO’s , innovative start ups, teachers and mentors striving to impact NEETS life for the better.

The below the table and the corresponding graph that is directly derived from the data, represents the performance so far of the whole consortium with respect to the given project targets.

The column “target group” refers to the target groups that have been reached in the specific interim period between 1/10/2021 – 31/3/2021, while the cumulative encompasses the total until then.

In reaching unemployed young people until the age of 29, the consortium covered until now over 30% of the total target and it will achieve full capacity until the project end on September 2022. In reaching Civil Society Organizations in becoming stakeholders for the project, 78,4% of the set target has been reached.

In reaching the Adults(30-64) group, the consortium, especially with the contribution of the Lead Partner, has exceeded the set target by organizing capacity building workshops and awareness events, addressing the needs and interests of legal entities and interest groups that want to be engaged or improve their operation in five main fields of interest, Culture and Tourism Industry, Health Care, Agriculture, IT & Open Source Software and Alternative Energy Sources.

Credits: Social Neet
Credits: Social Neet



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