Empower (Rroma) youth through participation and mentoring

Currently, Rroma community has a debt with higher education. It is a reality that only 2% reach university studies. But this does not justify that the community itself does not have the desire to pay this debt. The lack of references, discrimination, the socio-economic environment, and educational segregation, among others, make this data possible.

Fundacio Privada Pere Closa, this year through ROMAPREN project, is focused on the empowerment of young people through the promotion in the participation process and mentoring, to not only apply what we believe can help them but detect their needs and concerns. In this way, we can support and motivate youth with our support to break down their own invisible barrier that prevents them from achieving success.

On the one hand, under our thinking we want to make visible the will of Rroma youth and their families to get involved in the social and educational participation processes, both internal and external.

On the other hand, it is intended to involve schools, youth centers, youth organizations and forums, locally, to break with low expectations about Roma youngsters and training opportunities.

The young people who participate in the project are:

  • Rroma and non-Rroma youngsters who have already completed their educational stages.
  • young people who are studying
  • young people who have dropped out of school.

The project envisages developing seminars / workshops with youngsters to discuss:

  1. Identify the main problems that young gypsies and non-gypsies face to be part of the socio-educational and political participation.
  2. Motivate young people to encourage participation structures between them and other young people in their environment who share the same reality.
  3. Reflect on what kind of tools for youth empowerment (educational, social and political) can be offered to ensure their participation.
  4. Reflect on how we can build communication channels on the one hand with the Rroma and non-Rroma youth communities, within the neighborhoods where there is a majority Rroma population and on the other hand with the educational, social, and political agents of the territory (associations, NGOs, institutions) to encourage co-action and collaboration between them.
  5. Design the profile of the young Rroma / non-Rroma as CHANGE AGENT.
  6. Design a digital platform where they can publish and publicize the whole process of participatory empowerment of young people during the implementation of the project.

(Rroma Youngster Changemakers, who promote the RomaPren project

  • Kevin Rodríguez: Intermediate student in social integration
  • Rocío Gama Jarro: higher degree in social integration completed
  • Trinidad Heredia: higher degree in social integration completed
  • Jesús Jiménez: intermediate degree student in mechanics

Enerida Isuf – Project Coordinator


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