Fund operated by:
Ecorys Polska
ECORYS is an international provider of research, consulting, programme management and communications services. We combine our passion and our business professionalism to make a difference in the world. We specialise in economic, social and spatial development and aim to deliver real benefit to society through the work we do. Being one of the oldest research and consulting companies in Europe, we have proudly celebrated our 90th anniversary in 2019. We carry out projects focused on the development of the civil society, regional cooperation, employment, social development and improvement of the quality of human capital. We also provide consultancy services for preparations to introduce development programmes for regions, cities and communes, companies and NGOs with international donors’ funding support.
JCP S.r.l.
JCP Srl, Italy, is a specialised Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building company providing specialist consulting services in all spheres of international, donor-funded contracts, particularly but not limited to the field of Management of Technical Assistance Development Projects including Grant Scheme components, as well as International Cooperation and Development Communication Projects within framework contracts implemented in European Union, Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood Regions and beyond with a special emphasis on EU Funded programmes.