eNEET Rural Project achieved milestones

We achieved the following main milestones in the first 6 months of the project:

Project management: the project partners met+ twice as per project implementation plan, each sixth month (November 2018 and March 2019). Launching event in order to present the project to the general public was implemented in Varna as accompanied event to the Kick-off meeting. The 2nd Project Partners Meeting was held at CTAEX in Spain.

Communication actions: Upon the updated Communication Plan the multilingual project website was set up as well as the FB page, Twitter are up and running. Project brochures, billboards and leaflets were designed and printed. The monthly bulletin of UBBSLA contained articles on the progress of eNEET.

Preparation of the innovative solutions: All partners started to work on the development of the Training Materials for Online & On-the-spot Courses. As a preliminary step each partner elaborated a Local Demand Research incorporating information on business, agriculture and NEETs in their respective countries.

Network building with stakeholders: the consortium started mapping the stakeholders: NGOs, agricultural associations, holdings, unemployment centers in their countries/regions. A database has been collected which is supervised by COM. The WP leader organized two meetings with stakeholders in Italy to collect their feedbacks related to the Template of National agreements and international agreements within the bilaterally collaborating countries. Agreements will be concluded in the coming months.

Youth employment facilitating services: a study visit as a short term staff exchange between the stakeholders performing similar activities was implemented in Extremadura region as accompanied event to the 2nd consortium meeting. As part of the study visits, three foreign stakeholders from Bulgaria and Italy took part and 4 Spanish stakeholders introduced their organisations focusing on their mission, goals, products/services, clientele and last but not least their possible engagement to eNEET project. The next study visit will be held in Slovenia in early autumn.

25 January 2019

COM introduced the project on 25th January 2019 in Mantova within the framework of a press conference to mobilize the stakeholders at local level

6 – 7 February 2019

The annual forum, organized by the Association of Agricultural Producers in Bulgaria, is one of the most significant events for the sector.

12 March 2019

Presents eNEET Rural Project at the “Competition Agriculture and Sustainable Local Supply” Event in Slovenia

14 March 2019

Meeting 14 march 2019 with the neets on the territory (activities with INFORMAGIOVANI of San Benedetto)


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