Work-meeting in Tartu Art School on 22-23 October 2019

On 22-23 October a work-meeting on CODE curriculum design will be held by Tartu Art School (TAS).

The meeting will take place in Tartu Art School itself which is located in the city of Tartu, Estonia and it is attended by selected teachers from the countries of our partnering organizations.

The main aim of this work-meeting is the development of a common training programme for both 3D animation and graphic design courses. Tartu Art School will provide a thorough overview of school work in general and preparations for CODE project. Each partner organization’s representatives will give their ideas and thoughts on how the training programme should function in their opinion. The topics include subjects, timeline, teaching methods, assessment methods etc. This means that a general structure for these matters should be established and these matters should be easily adapted to each partner organization’s context.

During these two days partners will receive tours in school and visit classes, get introduced to TAS CODE curriculum, the evaluation system of TAS and digital design teaching tools. There will be general discussions of CODE curriculum and the methods for the implementation of it. Presentations are carried out by TAS personnel who are working on CODE project (from teachers to administrative forces).

The project “CODE – Competence Opportunities for Digital Employment” benefits from 2 314 015 euro grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway grants Fund for Youth employment. The main purpose of the Project is to provide opportunities for quality employment to vulnerable young people in poverty risk.

Read here the program.



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