An interview with Stefania Guida – National coordinator at Microlab, expert in mentoring, training and guidance

Credits: Young Entrepreneurs Succeed

Which is the classical profile of the young entrepreneur that you support?

Young people that we usually support are 20-30 years old individals, with an entrepreneurial idea that needs to be foster. In the 30-40% of the cases we deal with migrants, with a greater risk appetite, and attitude toward responsibility on the development of an entrepreneurial initiative.

Which are the main barriers for the young generations, which have a negative impact on the start-up of a self-employment initiative?

The first one is the access to credit: it is extremely difficult to reach, especially if you have no specific guarantees, due to the young age of the entrepreneurs served. Another barrier is represented by the poor digitalization of the Italian enterprises. Finally, we need to consider the legal barriers, and the lack of appropriate training and specific instruments to support the business development.

Which are the main means of access to self-employment?

Regional funds, and specific funds which target particular categories, such as funds for the entrerpreneurship amongst women, and other funds aimed to ease the business development. Another important instrument is represented by the mentoring activities, and non-financial services provided by experts.

Which could be key to a better cooperation and collaboration between public and private entities to improve the efficiency of the access to self-entrepreneurship?

For this questions there are three words: greater transparency between public and private entities aimed to support youth entrepreneurship in a more efficient way. Secondly, a greater communication of what is being done, and better disseminate which are the instruments and funds provided. Finally, ensuring a regularity in the interventions. Not necessarily a regional or specific approach, but ensuring a systemic approach, in order to trigger a more efficient collaboration between private and public institutions.


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