An interview with Enrico Di Pasquale – Fondazione Leone Moressa

Credits: Young Entrepreneurs Succeed

What is the profile of unemployed youth?

The last CGIA report is mainly focused on the Economy of Immigration. Key aspects include the contributions of immigrants to the Italian economy and its labor market. On the other hand, it also analyzed the negative impact of the emigration of Italian youth. Among the causes of Italian emigration we found, indeed, unemployment. If we need to identify a typical profile of unemployed youth we can say that unemployment rates are higher for women than for men,  the phenomenon is more intense in the south of Italy and there is a greater occurrence among population groups with low levels of education.

What are the main barriers for young people to get a job?

The lack of workplaces consistent with educational background is one of the main barrier, but also the difficulties in matching supply and demand in the labor market. We should also keep in mind that in Italy we have one of the lowest rate of young people with a BA degree (27.6%), against a European average of 39%, a fact which impacts negatively on youth employment rates.

How can young people get access to a job?

In Italy, informal ways are predominant: word-of-mouth or direct connection with the company (ex. Family friends, relatives). Public employment agencies are less used than private ones. The latter are more efficient than the first but they tend to target restricted categories of employee.

How can the different actors cooperate to make it possible?

We need for sure a greater connection among the different actors: schools, universities, companies and public sector. The latter has a very important responsibility in connecting the actors on a wide scale and at different levels: national, regional, council in order to have a better matching between demand and supply. Universities should be able to prepare students for the working world. On the other side companies must be able to include young workers into the organization.


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