In the second half of October 2019, Nicolae Dobrescu – Executive Director of Health Action Overseas Romania (HAO) and Manager of LEAD project, and Alina Dobrescu, Coordinator of the Supported Employment Programme with HAOhad a meeting with Mihai Tomescu, President of the National Authority for Persons with Disabilities (ANPD).
On this occasion, our colleagues presented the project LEAD to the dignitary, emphasising on the Supported Employment model: concept, principles, benefits for each part involved (young adult with disabilities, employer, family/tutors of the young adult, community).
The President of ANPD expressed full openness to support large-scale implementation of Supported Employment services, and towards the collaboration with HAO team. According to Mihai Tomescu, a dedicated funding line could be opened in the near future within the National Interest Programs managed by ANPD, in order to ensure a certain continuity and development of these services.