Global but Sustainable and Socially Responsible Companies – There is No Planet B

Credits: RAISE Youth

New technologies have brought companies an almost infinite world of possibilities, but how do new technologies – especially online technologies – affect the globalization of companies and local employment and entrepreneurship? Let’s see.

Thanks to the new technologies, today’s companies can be more practical, efficient and functional and can also offer quality products at very competitive prices. New technologies offer important advantages in terms of product design and development, optimizing costs. On the other hand, the Internet has given us absolute and instantaneous connectivity, allowing companies – both large and small – to optimize their work processes and compete in the same “great online arena”, which has led to a gigantic increase in competitiveness.

Globalisation has a significant impact on entrepreneurial enterprises and local business in many ways; it has created opportunities for the local entrepreneurial enterprises to expand their businesses internationally at much faster pace. With the help of local governments, large corporations, and international organisations, entrepreneurial enterprises are able to confront the challenges posed by globalisationand economic liberalisation, to improve their competitiveness in the global market, and better serve the global consumers. Sofaritseemsthatglobalizationonlybringsadvantages.

But, on the other hand, this exponential increase in competitiveness has led large companies to a fierce struggle to minimize their prices to continue to stand out in the market. This, thatmight seem positive to consumer, also has its negative side: a reduction in the quality and durability of the products offered and, above all, less social, labor and environmental responsibility on the part of the companies involved. There are companies that move their production centers outside the first world – where labor conditions and workers’ wages are abusive and where environmental policies to be implemented are minimal – also increasing their need to use logistics services to move their production to their destination, thus polluting much more than they would if they produced and sold in the same area. These companies may be global, but they are not valid companies in a global world: everything is everyone’s responsibility and, in addition to being global, companies must be respectful of their workers and the environment. There is no planet B

Consumers, as the last link in the commercial chain, are also responsible for the actions of the companies they support. We all have our bit to contribute to end inequalities and improve the environmental situation: it is wise to choose the products we consume not only for the price, but also valuing their quality. It is also positive to promote local commerce that gives work to our neighbors, boosts the economy of our country and pollutes less.

RAISE Youth Casarrubuelos (Madrid – Spain) and its DEMO Center of circular economy, have as main objective to give support and qualified training to young people so that they can undertake within the framework of sustainable economy, through environmentally friendly companies.

Precisely with the aim of increasing the sustainability of our municipalities and companies, the DEMO Center of Casarrubuelos offers free courses and training for unemployed young people, covering the areas: AGRO, TOURISM and DIGITAL.


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