Labour market Employment for young Adults with a Disability – LEAD – project’s result

Credits: LEAD

LEAD project focuses on developing and improving optimal measures in employment processes for young adults with a disability (NEET) in Romania, Portugal and Lithuania by transferring know-how and good practice in Supported Employment from UK, increasing their chances to get a job on the Open Labour Market. The project activities tackle multidimensional solutions to the problem, that NEETs with a disability have many difficulties to get a job on the labour market mainly due to not getting adequate support in employment by service providers, families and employers.

Focusing on the specific needs of NEETs with a disability, the activities and respective outputs are being implemented at both systemic level (e.g. developing training packages for employers, employment specialists and family member of Y/AwD; developing cooperation with non-traditional stakeholders through creating national networks in supported employment) and personal level (e.g. identifying and meeting individual support needs of the members of the target group).

Here are LEAD project results in numbers so far:

Credits: LEAD


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