DARE-Day One Alliance for Employment – Project’s results

Credits: DARE

The project “DARE-Day One Alliance for Employment” which started in April 2019 is offering to young NEET three interventions: Job Labs, Entrepreneurship Labs, and a system of validation of non-formal learning with Open Badges.

Five partners from three countries have transferred good practices in career planning, entrepreneurship education, and validation of non-formal learning: Lithuanian Association of Non-formal Education (Lithuania), Youth Career and Advising Center (Lithuania), Lodz Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Poland), IFTE Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship (Austria), Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Austria).

Four partners are implementing the project interventions in four countries: SEAL CYPRUS in Cyprus, Confartigianato Imprese Salerno in Italy, STRATIS Consulting in Greece, and PAR Respostas Sociais in Portugal.

During the last semester, the partners have completed the transfer of good practices and they have started implementing the Labs online. The Lead Partner, SEAL CYPRUS, has been the first one who modified all the sessions from face-to-face into online ones. The initiative has been encouraged by many actors in the field of employment in Cyprus and the Ministry of Employment has referred young NEET to the Labs.

The partners are very satisfied by the learning outcomes of the Labs and the response by the media and the local society. They are also very optimistic that by the end of the project next year they will also have the opportunity to work face-to-face with the young NEET.

The target group of the project is young people who are out of employment, education or training. The group includes long-term unemployed, discouraged young people who have stopped looking for work, inactive women caring for children or adults, ethnic minorities, asylum seekers, the least qualified, people with mental health problems and people with disabilities. The project is also approaching employers prompting them to recognise non-formal learning.

More on the project: https://sealcyprus.org/dare/

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.

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Credits: DARE


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