Inspiring young people to fulfil their potential. The best practices coming from your project

To discover ourselves, to find our place under the sun, to get to know each other, are the reflectionsof our human striving for development, which can accompany us throughout our lives. The focus on these thoughts and the most tangible aspiration goes through different stages of our growth. The idea of ​​the unfoldingand development of human potential can be expressed in the words DESIRE and NEED. How aware areweto differentiate ourneeds, which are in line with the goals of our vision of life, our values, and rather we are guided by the trends of our time? The idea of ​​awareness is another fundamental construction that is found in the employees of our pursuit of self-discovery and self-realization. This line of thought practically confirms our way of life and our inner world. In other words, we find cognitive and emotional development are the reasons for finding a satisfying path for ourselves.

Unfortunately, the dynamics of modernity of life, wecan observe the pace that passes through and where we are in determining the moments. For example, stereotypes such as “it’s best to get married by the age of 25” or “people your age are already successful” are often direct reproaches behind the mask of motivational advice. Thesetype of sentenceshavea negative effect, although weaccept themwith consent and a smile, and this negative and indistinct imprint, which is only the strengthening of the feeling that something is wrong. The social pressure is so strong in our country that even if we do not have an “objective corrective” in our lives, the generally accepted norms and the established path sit in our minds and in case we lag behind, we feel like we are failing. Therefore, for a healthy person, these existential questions about vocation and potential are topics onewantsto avoid.

One of the main tasks of the “Hidden Likes” youth house is the idea that the potential is in everyone, and our strongest opponent is the fear of failure. In the LIKE project we work with that part of the society that fights with itself every day and for which this internal struggle, uncertainty and fears are much more complicated. People with mental and emotional problems go through another ordeal every day. Their integration and employment is a prerequisite, both for themselves and for the usual common environment. No matter how much effort is put into the position of more effective inclusion, the process is slow and requires perseverance and consistency. Despite their peculiarities, most people with mental health problems are aware of the negative attitude and limitations and deeply experience the stress of confrontation with generally accepted norms. These negative thoughts increase their suffering and in many cases even aggravate their problems. Our conviction when working in the Youth Houses is that the potential for development can be limited only if we leave the young NEETs with mental problems to remain with their fears and prejudices. Through a variety of techniques, the project encourages bold thinking, imagination, courage, and the pursuit of life change. When our young people are in the activity of animal therapy or gardening – they learn to communicate with nature and take care of others. When a flower planted by them blooms, they understand the pleasure of creating something with their hands. Individual consultationsand work with psychologists suggests the path to personal success; group therapy – that together is easier and teamwork leads to more significant results. Meetings with employers and support from mediators make the work environment more attractive and less scary. And the search for the personal qualities of young people, for the specific profession, impossible to wander and fail.

The principle of the youth house is based on the belief that everyone is important and has unlimited potential, as long as they are given a chance and believe in themselves. As a large part of the discussion, we talk about what our young people have perceived as failure, we try to present the negative result and failure as lessons. Failures – as something that surrounds and can successfully motivate. The LIKE project provides something extremely valuable, namely a supportive environment, driven by empathy and active encouragement. We believe that no matter what difficulties young NEETs struggle with, they need supervision and the right to a quality and satisfying life.


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