8th of June 2022
Business & Science Poland Conference Centre Rue Belliard 40, Brussels + online
Over 10 million young people are neither in employment nor education (NEET) in the European Union. How can we help them find jobs?
We were looking for an answer to this question in Italy, Hungary, Poland, and Spain. We will present our results and discuss:
- which public programs are helpful and which are costly and ineffective,
- why reaching out to young jobless people is such a challenge and what should we do about that,
- why young women have worse employment opportunities and how to strengthen gender equality.
The Youth Guarantee has helped millions of young people across the EU in recent years. However, not all jobless people could use it. Should we cover all vulnerable individuals with the new EU initiative ‘Bridge to Jobs’, we must find a way to improve public programs.
We would be delighted to have you present at this conference.
We should be glad if you could confirm your attendance on-site or online by May 24th.
See the program here.