The new needs in eco-sustainable and digital professions. How the labour market face the new skill challenges

Eco-sustainability and digitalization are key drivers of labor market transformation, with European investment supporting their prominence in recruitment plans. The demand for jobs in the next five years is estimated to be between 3.5 and 3.9 million, with a significant need for digital and green skills. Specific roles such as Data Scientist, Cyber Security Expert, Digital-Specialized Business Manager, Environmental Lawyer, and Organic Product Certifier are in high demand.

The digital transition, green transition, and demographic transition will have profound effects on employment structures. The impact of the digital revolution will depend on technology’s ability to replace routine jobs while creating demand for highly skilled professions. The 4.0 work environment requires e-skills across various fields to leverage technologies.

The commitment to the green transition and renewable technologies will create employment opportunities. Demographic processes, including longer lifespans and the “silver economy,” will change the age composition of the workforce and consumer patterns. Skills enhancement, training, and inclusion initiatives are needed for older workers and immigrants.

Investments and reforms should focus on digital skills, vocational education, apprenticeships, and inclusivity for women and young people entering the labor market. The transition to sustainability will have pervasive effects on the economy and society, creating new opportunities in renewable technologies and sustainable products/services while impacting sectors with high emissions and resource exploitation.

Over 42% of the demand for green skills requires highly specialized occupations, including engineers, construction site management technicians, occupational safety technicians, architects, land reclamation specialists, craftsmen, and workers in construction finishing. The push for green transition also requires skills across sectors, such as environmental lawyers, green accounting specialists, green investment fund experts, salespeople promoting sustainable materials, and green purchasing managers.

Digital transformation involves advances in technologies like AI, IoT, robotics, 3D printing, and Blockchain, as well as new materials and processes. The estimated demand for digital skills between 2021-2025 is around 2 million to 2.1 million employees, accounting for about 57% of the total demand. This affects both existing and emerging occupations, including data scientists, big data analysts, cloud computing experts, cybersecurity experts, business intelligence analysts, and AI system engineers. The growth in demand also reflects the acceleration of digital and process automation and the need for cybersecurity specialists.

Regione Siciliana

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