Overcoming Adversity and Thriving in the Workplace

This is the story of Tomasz Szurgociński who has displayed remarkable determination, resilience, and growth during his participation in the SEPAL PRO Project – Supporting Employment Platform through Apprenticeship Learning. This individual’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of second chances and the potential for personal growth, even in the face of significant challenges.

From the outset, it was evident that Tomasz had faced various difficulties in his life, including struggles with drug addiction and legal issues. These personal battles had a profound impact on his employability and overall well-being. However, it was clear that he possessed a genuine desire to change his circumstances and embrace a brighter future.

Throughout the project, this individual exhibited unwavering commitment and dedication to improving his life. Despite facing a series of hurdles, he remained steadfast in his resolve to break free from the grip of addiction and turn his life around. His perseverance and positive attitude were truly commendable and served as an inspiration to both the project mentors and fellow participants. Addressing his past challenges was not an easy process, but with the right guidance and support, this individual steadily made progress. He exhibited a profound willingness to learn and develop new skills, which led to remarkable improvements in both his personal and professional life. As he continued his journey, he discovered the value of apprenticeship learning to acquire hands-on experience and grow both personally and professionally. Notably, this individual’s transformation extended beyond his job performance. As he pursued employment as a warehouse worker for a large construction company, his commitment to sobriety and personal growth became evident to his coworkers and supervisors alike. He demonstrated reliability, a strong work ethic, and an eagerness to take on new responsibilities, earning the respect and admiration of those around him. It is essential to acknowledge that Tomasz’s journey was not without challenges. During his pursuit of employment and personal development, he faced moments of self-doubt and emotional distress. However, he demonstrated remarkable courage by seeking assistance and talking openly about his struggles, ultimately contributing to his overall growth and mental well-being. While depression was not officially diagnosed by a specialist, the individual’s proactive approach to addressing his emotional health is truly commendable.

Today, we are proud to say that this individual has not only secured stable employment but has also become an invaluable asset to the company he works for. His journey from battling addiction and facing legal issues to becoming a reliable and motivated warehouse worker is a testament to his resilience, dedication, and unwavering determination to embrace a brighter future.

The best testimonial is the recommendation of his current employer:

(…) During his work, Mr. Tomasz is involved in the implementation of the tasks entrusted to him. He is an independent, punctual, and highly motivated worker. He can work in a team and is liked by the rest of the employees. He never caused any problems, showed great interest in learning and expanding his skills. Tomasz is an extremely valuable employee, which is very important for an employer nowadays”.

In conclusion, witnessing Tomasz’s growth and transformation has been nothing short of extraordinary. His participation in the project serves as a shining example of the potential for positive change when provided with the right support and opportunities. I am confident that his story will continue to inspire and motivate others to overcome their challenges and seize the possibilities for personal and professional growth.

Tomasz Szurgociński from Poland


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