Empowering Youth: The Role of Trainers, Mentors, and Youth Workers

Youth unemployment continues to be a pressing issue worldwide, leaving many young people facing challenges when entering the job market especially those with mental health problems. However, there is hope in the form of dedicated trainers, mentors, and youth workers who play a pivotal role in empowering the youth by unlocking their potential through skills development. In this article, we will explore the crucial activities carried out by Project L.I.K.E – “Life Investment is the Key to Employment” team members and their unwavering efforts to support NEETS with mental health issues. NEETs, an acronym standing for “Not in Education, Employment, or Training,” refer to a significant portion of the youth population who find themselves disconnected from educational pursuits, employment opportunities, or vocational training. These individuals face extraordinary challenges in transitioning from school to work life and encounter difficulties in securing stable employment. Overcoming the challenges and successful integration in the ever-changing job-market is additionally difficult for young people struggling with mental health problems. NEETswith mental health problems represent a complex social issue with implications for both individual lives and broader societal development. Addressing the needs of those young people requires a comprehensive approach that involves targeted interventions, skill development program, and support systems to empower these young people and enable them to overcome barriers and find meaningful pathways to education and employment. At the heart of our mission lies a steadfast commitment to unleashing the full potential of every individual, fostering their talents and strengths. Our ultimate aim is to empower young people with mental issues to flourish, explore, and harness their distinct abilities. Beyond unlocking their potential, our dedicated efforts also revolve around securing sustainable employment opportunities for our target group. With a strong focus on engaging and empowering young individuals, including those currently disconnected from education, employment, or training, Project L.I.K.E is determined to foster an inclusive society.

Building Core Skills

In order to realize these goals, one of the key focuses of trainers and youth workers is to help young people develop core skills that are highly valued by employers. In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the demand for skilled and adaptable young professionals is higher than ever. Recognizing this critical need, Project L.I.K.E“Life Investment is the Key to Employment” places a strong emphasis on building core skills among NEETs with mental problems to enhance their employability and open doors to promising career opportunities.

“Despite the long-term nature of some mental illnesses, with proper treatment many people lead stable and productive life. I believe that every young person deserves a chance to succeed, and my mission as a mentor has been to provide them with the tools and support needed to thrive in both their personal and professional lives. – this is what Vesselina, one of Project L.I.K.E mentors, shares.

Trainers and youth workers within the project play a crucial role in this transformative process, guiding and empowering youth to develop the essential skills highly valued by employers. Through various carefully designed activities and exercises, the mentors in Project L.I.K.E create a supportive environment that facilitates skill development and enables youth to reach their potential and make themselves more attractive to employers.

Throughout our mentorship sessions, I have focused on fostering essential soft skills in these young individuals. While academic qualifications are crucial, I understand that employers seek more than just technical knowledge. Hence, I have placed a strong emphasis on nurturing skills like effective communication, critical thinking, adaptability, and teamwork. These competencies not only enhance their employability but also empower them to excel in various life situations.”

One of the core skills that trainers and mentors are aiming to build and develop in young people are:

Communication Skills:

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful integration at the labor market. Trainers in Project L.I.K.E focus on nurturing communication abilities in the young people they work with, teaching them how to express ideas clearly, listen actively, and engage in constructive dialogues. Workshops and role-playing activities are just a few examples of the methodologies employed to refine these skills.

“Many of the NEETs I work with have struggled to express themselves effectively due to mental health issues they are struggling with. My approach to nurturing their communication skills is rooted in patience, understanding, and active listening. I create a safe and non-judgmental environment that encourages them to express their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations without fear. I recognize the significance of communication so one of my primary goals is to empower these young people to overcome their challenges and help them foster the necessary tools for success in various aspects of life. Beyond nurturing their communication skills, I also address the importance of active listening and empathy. Understanding the significance of truly listening to others fosters stronger interpersonal connections both in their personal and professional life. I have witnessed incredible improvement in their ability to build meaningful relationships thanks to the ability to actively and empathetically listen to others. I strongly believe that with this newfound communication abilities, they are better equipped to pursue their career aspirations with confidence.”

Teamwork Skills

The ability to collaborate is one of the most valued skills today. Project L.I.K.E recognizes the importance of teamwork and equips young people with the skills needed to work harmoniously in diverse groups. Through team-building exercises and peer-to-peer interactions, participants learn the value of cooperation, effective communication within teams, and the ability to leverage individual strengths for collective success.

“Working with NEETs who are also struggling with mental health challenges has been an incredibly rewarding experience. One particular aspect that I’m proud to see progress in is their development of teamwork skills. I remember when I first met these young people they were withdrawn, lacked confidence, and struggled to engage with others. The idea of working together as a team seemed daunting and unattainable. However, through carefully designed activities and a supportive environment, I witnessed them transform over time. As we embarked on team-building exercises, they slowly began to open up, share their thoughts, and actively participate in group discussions. Seeing them embrace the concept of teamwork and collaboration was a remarkable breakthrough. It not only boosted their self-esteem but also provided a sense of belonging that had been missing from their lives. Teamwork is not just about accomplishing tasks collectively; it fosters essential life skills that are crucial for both personal and professional growth. As they move towards finding employment or pursuing further education, employers and institutions value individuals who can effectively collaborate with others. Teamwork is a skill highly sought-after in the workplace, and having this ability enhances their employability and career prospects. I’m humbled to have played a role in nurturing their teamwork skills, and I’m hopeful that these skills will continue to serve them well in their future endeavors. As they embark on new journeys, I am confident that the teamwork they learned will not only open doors for them but also empower them to overcome challenges and thrive in whatever they choose to pursue.”

Adaptability Skills:

The modern job market is characterized by rapid changes and uncertainties.The rapidly developing labor market across Europe requires that the skills that today’s youth acquire are stable, sustainable and valid for the years to come. It is expected today`s youth to face the need of constant upgrade of their skills. Adaptability is the key to thriving amidst such fluctuations and Project L.I.K.E mentors ensure that all measures are being taken so as to young people with mental problems to be prepared to handle unforeseen circumstances with confidence. The multidimensional program applied in the Youth Houses is specifically designed to empoly activities encouraging adaptability through exposing those young people to dynamic scenarios that challenge their comfort zones. Of course that has been easy. Read out what that of Project L.I.K.E mentors has to share:

“When I first started mentoring these young people, many of them felt stuck and overwhelmed by the uncertainties. They often struggled to cope with change and faced difficulties in adjusting to new situations but we encouraged them to step out of their comfort zones and embrace change. Whether it was trying new hobbies, exploring different career paths, or simply approaching everyday situations with a fresh perspective, they gradually learned to adapt and embrace uncertainty. Instead of succumbing to stress or anxiety, they learned to approach challenges with a more flexible mindset, which significantly improved their emotional resilience. The transformation was truly remarkable. As they became more adaptable, they began to see obstacles as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable barriers. Such mindset is extremely important in today`s rapidly changing labor market especially when employers seek individuals who can embrace change and thrive in dynamic settings. I am honored to have played a part in nurturing this essential skill, and I am optimistic about the bright futures that await each of them.”

The impact of core skill development in Project L.I.K.E is profound and far-reaching. As these young people grow and mature through the project’s interventions especially with the efforts and dedication of all the mentors and trainers, they become more attractive to potential employers. Equipped with enhanced communication, teamwork, and adaptability skills, these young people demonstrate the potential to contribute positively to any workplace they enter.


In the pursuit of empowering NEETs with mental health problems and combating youth unemployment, Project L.I.K.E recognizes the invaluable role of partnerships with local businesses and community organizations. These collaborations serve as a vital bridge between the mentor’s efforts and the real-world job market, creating meaningful employment opportunities for the youth it serves.

“Building strong partnerships with local businesses, industries and community organizations is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it enables us as mentors to gain insights into the current job market demands and tailor our skill development interventions and exercises accordingly. Only by understanding the specific needs of employers we can help the young people we work with relevant skills, enhancing their employability. Secondly, partnerships increase the opportunity and access to internships and job placements, directly connecting young people with potential employers and facilitating their entry into the workforce.”

Examples of Successful Collaborations: Project L.I.K.E has witnessed numerous successful collaborations between trainers, mentors, youth workers, and external stakeholders that have made a tangible impact on youth unemployment. One such example is the partnership with a local tech company. Recognizing the growing demand for digital skills, the project teamed up with the tech firm to provide IT training for participants.

“Our main goal has always been to provide the youngpeople joining Project L.I.K.Ewith opportunities that would prepare them for the modern job market and digital skills are one of those relevant skills. Unfortunately, many of the young people we work with face multiple barriers including limited access to education and technologysocollaboration with experts from the field of digital technology became a priority. Through training sessions, and hands-on experiences facilitated by the IT experts, our NEETs dived into various aspects of digital literacy, ranging from basic computer skills to coding. Many of them had never experienced such exposure to technology before, and it was heartwarming to see them embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm.

This collaboration not only enriched the skill sets of young individuals butignited their interest in further developing these skills and opportunities to pursue education and careers in the field.

This is the story of the 25-year old D.Z, who joined the project “L.I.K.E. “Investments in life are the key to employment” because of a lack of motivation for future realization and serious difficulties in integrating the labor market. He has always had an interest in technology, which, however, due to the trials of mental health, remains forgotten. Treatment and psychological support, mentoring and guidance to build a stable daily routine helped D.Z. to effectively set goals, and with the support provided by all of our team– to follow them. It is with joy and a sense of personal satisfaction that I can now say that thanks to the continuous support he received and the series of training sessions with IT experts, his interests in technology and motivation to explore the job possibilities in this field has been revived. 

Another successful partnership involves the collaboration with a local financial company. Together, the mentors, trainers and a team of financial expertsinitiated a series of workshops dedicated to the development of financial literacy among the group of NEETs. Financial literacy is a critical life skill that empowers individuals to make informed decisions about money management and financial planning.For NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) who also face mental health challenges, acquiring financial knowledge can be especially transformative.

“One such remarkable journey is that of a young 21 years old man T.P, who joined Project L.I.K.E with little to no financial literacy and struggled to navigate the complexities of managing money. When I first met him, he openly admitted to feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about financial matters. He had never been taught how to budget, save, or invest. Realizing that this is not solely his difficulties but rather to the most of young people we work with, we embarked on a partnership with a local financial company and a series of financial literacy workshops tailored to their needs. Understanding that everyone learns differently, we focused on providing real-life examples and interactive activities that would make the concepts easily understandable.

Throughout the workshops, the young man`s curiosity and eagerness to learn became apparent. He was constantly asking thoughtful questions and showed a willingness to confront his financial challenges head-on. I witnessed a remarkable transformation in Alex’s financial confidence. He began to embrace a proactive mindset, tracking his expenses diligently and setting up a personalized budget that suited his lifestyle. But the most significant breakthrough came when T.P shared his intend to broaden his knowledge and start an online-course. His journey is a testament to the profound impact that mentorship can have on the lives of young people. As a youth mentor, I remain committed to continuing my work in empowering NEETs with mental health like T.P to unlock their potential and create a brighter future for themselves.  

In conclusion, trainers, mentors and youth workers play an essential role in empowering young people facing mental health challenges and unemployment, commonly known as NEETs. These professionals offer a nurturing and supportive environment, providing the necessary tools, knowledge, and skills to enhance the employability of NEETs struggling with mental health issues. Their role cannot be overstated. They act as beacons of hope for NEETs, inspiring them to believe in their potential, recognize their strengths, and explore opportunities despite the hurdles they may face. By addressing mental health concerns in conjunction with employment support, these professionals create an environment that fosters holistic growth, ensuring that NEETs are equipped not only for the job market but also for life’s challenges.

As we move forward, it is crucial to encourage trainers, mentors, and youth workers to continue their efforts tirelessly. Together, we can build a brighter future, where every young individual feels empowered, supported, and capable of realizing their potential, regardless of the challenges they may face. Let us continue our journey towards fostering an inclusive society that ensures no young person is left behind, enabling them to thrive both professionally and personally.

Prepared by: Loreta Stoyanova, intern at Project L.I.K.E


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