Youth employment in the tourism sector and its challenges

Youth employment in the tourism sector has traditionally been an important source of employment for young people, offering both full-time and part-time job opportunities. However, in recent years, a decline in youth labour force participation in this industry has been observed. This phenomenon raises concerns about working conditions, skills shortages and employment trends in the tourism sector. In addition, the exploitative situation that some young workers may face needs to be addressed.

A significant problem in youth employment in tourism is working conditions. Young workers often face long working hours, low wages and lack of employment benefits. In addition, work in the tourism sector often involves irregular shifts and flexible working hours, making it difficult to reconcile work with other aspects of young people’s lives, such as education or leisure time. These unfavorable conditions may discourage young people from entering the sector or lead them to seek employment in other industries.

A further major challenge is the skills shortage. Many jobs in tourism require specific skills, such as language skills, customer service, hotel management or tourism marketing. However, the lack of access to quality education and adequate training programmes makes it difficult for young people to acquire these skills needed to enter the tourism sector. This lack of qualifications limits employment opportunities for young people and can also contribute to labour exploitation, as workers without the necessary skills are more likely to accept precarious working conditions.

Moreover, employment trends in the tourism sector have also changed in recent years. Digitalisation and automation have led to a reduction in demand for certain traditional jobs. On the other hand, new job opportunities related to technology and digital platforms have emerged, such as working in online marketing, social media management or tourism app development. However, these new trends require digital skills that many young people do not yet possess.

There are multiple reasons why there is a decline within the young labour force in the tourism sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism industry, with hotel closures, flight cancellations and travel restrictions leading to a decrease in demand for tourism services. This has resulted in job cuts and consequently a lack of opportunities for young people. The lack of development and promotion of careers in the tourism sector has also played a role. Many young people may see tourism as a temporary or low-quality job with no prospects for career growth. This perception limits their interest in entering the sector and their motivation to acquire the necessary skills.

Overall, youth employment in the tourism sector faces challenges in terms of working conditions, lack of skills and changing employment trends. Addressing this situation requires investment in sector-specific training and education programmes, as well as the promotion of sustainable and responsible tourism. By taking these measures, labour

exploitation can be reduced and opportunities for young people in tourism can be improved, creating a more equitable and promising working environment for this generation.

Jose Fernandez, AEII

YOUTHShare Project


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