Anticipated Changes in Daily Life in 2024 and Future Challenges

The launching by the OPEN AI the ChatGPT tool in 2022, as one of the first AI technology tool accessible and understandable to the general public, (democratization of AI) a far-reaching impact on various aspects of our daily lives took place. This will continue to the next year to come. Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution characterized by the integration of digital technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, automation, and data analytics into various industries, such as manufacturing is more evident than ever.  In particular, AI is already transforming and could impact more on the years to come of how we work by automating tasks, increasing work for home opportunities, enhancing productivity, and creating new opportunities but also posing challenges related to job displacement, ethics, and the need for continuous skill development. This job displacement due to automation and the gig economy’s instability will necessitate workforce adaptation and a renewed focus on upskilling and reskilling.

The concept of lifelong learning is poised to retain its paramount importance in the coming years, as the demand of upskilling and reskilling will be high. This demand is not constrained only to the digital proficiency but escalates alongside with the necessity to cultivate transversal skills. Fortunately, the global availability of high-quality online education has democratized access to learning opportunities for individuals worldwide. In 2024, training seminars, micro-training seminars, certified training programs, and micro-credentials are expected to play a significant role in the lives of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) and the general population.

Another key anticipated change in 2024 and beyond is an increased focus on climate change and its profound impact on various aspects of our lives. Extreme weather events or disruptions on ecosystems and biodiversity will affect our MED Area once more. How to be prepared to handle them and mitigate its impacts will be a high priority in the 2024.  In the coming year, we can expect more stringent regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions; increasing the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, using electric vehicles, driven by advancements in battery technology. Once more, education is crucial for the transition to sustainable practices.

Society will continue to evolve, embracing greater diversity and inclusivity, thus shaping cultural norms and fostering mutual understanding. However, these changes may also bring social tensions and conflicts as people grapple with shifting perspectives and values. Technology will play a significant role in connecting diverse groups and fostering dialogue, but it can also contribute to information overload and societal polarization.

Obviously, all the promising changes in 2024 also come with their set of challenges either related to technological or green transition of how we live, work, educate and have fun. All of these challenges require significant investment and a fundamental shift in our behavior, which is never an easy feat. As EU argues require a new mindset related to “Industry 5.0” which envisions a more human centered and sustainable approach of industrial process instead of focus on efficiency and productivity gains.

As we approach 2024, the Network for Employment and Social Care (NESC),embraces adaptability and lifelong learning  as a crucial parameter for navigating our rapidly changing world.

In preparation for the evolving job market, gaining new skills and staying flexible in our career choices is paramount. Staying informed about sustainability initiatives and reducing our environmental footprint is part of the journey. Furthermore, approaching social and cultural changes with an open mind and a commitment to constructive dialogue will shape the world we desire.

With the right mindset and proactive measures, NESC is committed to seizing the opportunities and tackling the challenges of 2024. This approach ensures not just a promising future for us but also for generations to come, fostering a more interconnected, sustainable, and inclusive world.


European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Renda, A., Schwaag Serger, S., Tataj, D. et al., Industry 5.0, a transformative vision for Europe – Governing systemic transformations towards a sustainable industry, Publications Office of the European Union, 2021,

KAM NESC, YOUTHShare Project


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