#OurStories: working together for a stronger Europe

The Communication Workshop (autumn edition), organised by FMO at the EFTA House in Brussels, the 24th and 25th of October, reunited comm-responsible from the National Focal Points, Fund Operators and Donor embassies. It has been a great occasion to talk about – and spread the goals of – the campaign #OurStories.

We are strongly convinced that the Family joining the Fund for Youth Employment and the Fund for Regional Cooperation, is full of human/real stories and successes to be told and disseminated, even beyond the end of the current funding period. Do you remember the video showed during our Annual Seminar?? Please note that you can contribute even in a written form, have a look here.

 «Ragna Fidjestøl, Managing Director of the EEA and Norway Grants, opened the workshop focusing on how the extensive Grants network in the Donor and Beneficiary States can join forces to promote our impact»: we believe you could as well have ‘something to say’ and that is why we are including here again some info about #OurStories.

#OurStories: Objectives and Goals

«The objectives and goals of the #OurStories campaign, led by the EEA and Norway Grants, are to showcase and celebrate the impactful outcomes of funded projects. Through compelling narratives and success stories, the campaign aims to inspire, inform, and engage a diverse audience in the Beneficiary and Donor States and across Europe, highlighting the positive change and transformative effects of their initiatives».

You can find here some other info and the toolkit, the YouTube Playlist here, and other news here, but of course remember you can contact us if you believe you can contribute, it will be easier to support you. We count on all of you to add the #OurStories hashtag to your content and join the campaign with your stories.


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