#OurJourney with EEA & Norway Grants

In our NGO’s endeavors, the plight of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) battling mental health issues had always been a concern. For years, our heart felt sympathies clashed against the limitations of our resources, leaving us disheartened by our inability to provide substantial aid to these vulnerable young people. Witnessing their struggles and aspirations, yet unable to offer comprehensive support, weighed heavily on our collective conscience.

It was in this climate of empathy, frustration, and determination that the emergence of the EEA & Norway Grants became a beacon of transformative change. This initiative heralded a new dawn, breathing life into our aspirations of effecting tangible change in the lives of NEETs. As an NGO, we found ourselves at a crossroads—grappling with the immense need for intervention and the lack of means to meet it.But the opportunity to align our efforts with the EEA & Norway Grants marked an inflection point in our trajectory. It was a chance to transcend our limitations and embark on a journey brimming with hope and purpose. With the support of the EEA & Norway Grants formidable initiative, our project found wings to soar into uncharted territories, where our aspirations to make a real difference for NEETs could finally take root.

This is how the L.I.K.E. project – Life Investment is the Key to Employment and Hidden Likes Youth House were developed. From the very beginning of the L.I.K.E Project it was dedicated to the empowerment of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) struggling with mental health issues. Nestled within the Hidden Likes Youth House, our aim has been to provide a nurturing environment where these young people can not only seek psychological help but also gain the necessary skills to integrate into the labor market. The Youth House has served as a safe haven for NEETs, offering not just mental health support but also fostering skill development and social integration. Our approach has been holistic, addressing not just immediate needs but also equipping individuals with the tools and confidence to navigate the complexities of the labor market.

This journey has been nothing short of a testament to the profound impact that collaborative efforts can wield in addressing critical societal challenges. Through the auspices of the EEA & Norway Grants, our project has become a conduit for change—a platform to channel aspirations into action.

It is not only the financial support that The EEA & Norway Grants provided us with. They also offered invaluable guidance, networking opportunities, and a platform to amplify our voices. It’s been a reciprocal relationship, as we’ve shared our experiences and successes through articles in the Youth Employment & Regional Cooperation Magazines. The opportunity to share our endeavors,progress and inspiring stories through articles inthemagazinehas been invaluable. It’s more than a mere dissemination of information; it’s a channel through which our initiatives resonate with a wider audience, fostering awareness and understanding about the struggles faced by NEETs dealing with mental health issues.Through these articles, we’ve highlighted our multifaceted approach—a blend of mental health support, skill-building workshops, and tailored programs aimed at bolstering confidence and fostering social integration. By showcasing success stories and the tangible impact of our interventions, we are more than confident that we’ve inspired others.

But It’s not just about what we give; it’s also about what we receiveand we can say that we received a lot in our journey with the EEA & Norway Grants. Through the platform provided by the Magazine, offering a gateway to a vibrant community of like-minded initiatives and projects, we had the chance to connect with a diverse tapestry of endeavors aimed at catalyzing societal change. It’s been a window into the endeavors of others—a chance to witness their triumphs, empathize with their challenges, and realize that our struggles are not solitary, but part of a collective pursuit for transformation. The understanding that we are not alone in our endeavor to effect change is most probably one of the most significant gifts we received from the Magazine and all the opportunities provided by the EEA & Norway Grants.

For us working with the EEA & Norway Grants has been invaluable. It meant being a catalyst for change—a facilitator of understanding, empathy, and action. It meant standing alongside the NEETs with unwavering support and advocating for a society where mental health challenges do not hinder one’s opportunities for a brighter future. But the true significance lies in what it means for the NEETs with mental health challenges that we work with. For them, it’s more than just a project—it’s a lifeline. It’s a beacon of hope, a sanctuary where they find support, guidance, and opportunities for growth. It’s a testament to the belief that they are not forgotten or neglected, but valued members of society deserving of a chance to thrive.


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