FIVE YEARS OF IMPACT: Work with people who, as a vocation, have the commitment to help the most disadvantaged

I have the pleasure to introduce you some of our pairs of coaches and NEETs:

Erika Adell is a social psychologist specialized in socio-labor guidance, whose commitment and dedication have been focused on improving the lives of numerous vulnerable young people

Coach Erika Adell Sanchez, whose professional background includes a solid education as a Socio-labor Advisor, Intervention with Socially Excluded Groups, and Antonio Fernandez Nicolas, a 22-year-old young man that has a Vocational Training Certificate in Electromechanics.

Their mentoring relationship began when Antonio contacted the “Avança” service through other users, seeking guidance to continue his studies. He received personalized advice on educational options and pathways of specialization.

The coaching process begins by identifying the specific challenges and opportunities that young people in the neighborhood face. By understanding the local culture and traditions, the coach can use examples and figures that are recognizable and meaningful to the NEETs. This helps create a stronger sense of belonging and emotional connection with the coaching process, which was:

Individualized Plan: A personalized and tailored plan was designed to meet the needs and goals of the young person interested in studying the Vocational Training Course at the Middle Grade level.

Coordination with the Family: Constant and collaborative communication was established with the young person’s family to involve them in the educational process. Details about academic progress, and any challenges or concerns that arose were shared. The active participation of the family in supporting the student proved crucial in fostering a supportive and motivating environment at home.

Genís Rodríguez is a social worker in a complex neighborhood near Barcelona, Spain, called La Mina, working for Optima’s company


With the coaching process, Antonio has been able to achieve greater self-awareness, which has allowed him to find his professional vocation, become asocial worker, and be a role model in the neighbourhood. Additionally, it has helped him develop skills to face interviews with greater ease.

Matilde Caballero Ruiz is a specialized professional in the field of psychology and education. After completing her studies in this discipline, she decided to found her own self-employment company, Optima Assessorament i Formació, sll.

Through a process of self-assessment and exploration, Trini has learned to recognize her strengths and weaknesses, strengthening her confidence and self-concept. This awareness of her capabilities has allowed her to make more informed and accurate decisions regarding here educational and career trajectory.

Getting to know situations outside her usual community and interacting with young people from different environments has been an enriching experience for Trini. This openness to new realities and cultures has broadened her horizons and provided her with the opportunity to integrate into diverse settings, contributing to the elimination of prejudices and stereotypes.

The ability to manage her emotions has enabled her to confront challenges and resolve conflicts more constructively. This has been especially valuable in her educational process and in preparing for entry into the job market.

By Enerida Isuf – Project Coordinator, SEPAL PRO Spain



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