Cowork4YOUTH best practices

Back in 2021, when this whole journey started, we planned a research and analysis project that would contribute to a better evaluation of existing youth employment policies, a clearer understanding of the needs of NEETs in rural and tourism dependent areas,the potential contribution of alternatve economic sectors, andprovide specific policy recomemndations for the future.

It was anambitious task; but we think we managedwell!

In terms of results, we have delivered the promised ouputs, all contributing to a specific aspect of the research. Two Transnational Reports have been delivered, providing much-needed evidence based research. Two PhDs related to youth labor, NEETS and coworking in urban/rural spaces have passed the stage of initial submission. Eight papers have been submitted to well regarded peer-reviewed scientific journals. The Cowork4YOUTH Employment Observatory has been set up, providing data that is easy to access and process, in conjunction with the Transnational Research Network. Finally, two sets of Policy Recommendations have been produced and disseminated to researchers and policy makers.

As far best practices are concerned, we pride ourselves in having connected the world of reserach and policy with the the real world of the NEETs in question and of the practitioners who have to actively implement employment policies and reach out to the target groups. To this aim, our researchers have undertaken extensive field research and visited numerous organisations and stakeholders across Europe in order to get an accurate picture. Similarly, our five Open Events have all actively sought synergies with stakeholders accross the spectrum, other researchers and academics, as well as other Fund for Youth Employment projects. This culminated in Athens last December where two different events were held, the one focusing on academics and policy makers, and the other bringing together practitioners from across Europe. Indeed, the ’Cowork4YOUTH: WHAT ARE THE GOOD PRACTICES?’ event brought  together organisations representing 7 different countries – a total of 47 individual participants!

The impact that we hope we have achieved starts with opening up a broader discussion about NEETs and youth employment, as well as the potential usefulness of coworking spaces. Bringing together practitioners, academics and policy makers, making them aware of our findings and exchanging experiences and ideas is the first step. We have also worked to increase practitioners’ knowledge and capacity and to bring about an increased transnational cooperation on labour market issues that will hopefully forge new ways ahead in terms of practice, research and policy. Finally, the policy recommendations have been communicated and well received by policy makers and we expect that the results will soon be fused into actual policy implementation.

But of course, as much as it may sound like a cliché, the most important “best practice” is a solid consortium and a good cooperation between partners, both on the level of organisations, but also as individuals. No good result can be achieved without good colalboration.


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