As we were writing the very last articles for the magazine, good news kept on coming, and the post-implementation era couldn’t become better. This proved that our Project’s implementation period might have come to an end, but it’s never too late to keep on thriving! Thus, we couldn’t help ourselves but write a “bonus” article about it.
To that end, we are more than excited to announce, that the YOUTHShare Project has officially been added as a case study at the “Observatory on Digital technologies in Career guidance for Youth” (ODiCY) of the “Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development” (OECD)!
Amongst the plethora of interesting case studies submitted at the Observatory, the YOUTHShare Project presents its goals, and resources that can contribute to the further development of young people’s working life (including the Sharing Economy e-Platform, eLearning platform and Youth Employment Monitor). Additionally, it describes the methods and technologies behind the initiative, that contribute into making guidance more effective and efficient for the youth. Finally, potential challenges and barriers are being mentioned, as well as some additional details regarding the resources’ recognition, evaluation and so on!
Feel free to check out the YOUTHShare Project’s Case Study, by clicking here!
Anna Saroukou
YOUTHShare Project